Thursday, December 20, 2007

Give Meaning This Holiday: Up the Yangtze

If you are wondering where to put best to put your money this holiday season, think about Yung Chang's documentary Up the Yangtze which recently came back, high in competition from IDFA and on its way to Sundance. One of the compelling characters in the film Yu Shui, a young girl, whose family is displaced by the flooding of the 3 Gorges Dam hydro electric project, and goes to work on a cruise liner for tourists who want to take a leisurely vacation down the Yangtze river to support her family. A candid, and strong young woman, who takes on a huge responsibility for her parents and brother and sister. Her hard working parents, who's daily struggle has gotten harder, as Yu Shui's father was diagnosed with cataracts in his eyes.

Yung and EyeSteelFilms have started a fund, to raise the money for his medical operation, as it is incredibly expensive to do, and beyond the means of this family's income. So what may be a little for you and I, can make a huge difference to this family. Check it out at and consider donating to yufam